SEARS SL 11 6316714
- Production year 1964/65
- Mamiya developed and manufactured the Nikkorex cameras for Nikon. Ricoh bought the Nikkorex F production tools from Mamiya,
did some redesigning and produced the Ricoh Singlex with Nikon F lens mount.
- Ricoh had the sense to rebrand to the US department store Sears and therefore the Ricoh Singlex can be found branded as Sears SL 11.
- First Ricoh Singlex was #6300001
- Satin chrome finish
- Nikon F bayonet lens mount
- Sticker «SEARS SL II» on front side
- Sticker «SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO.» on back side
- «MADE IN JAPAN» engraved on back side
- Focusing screen «A»
- Came with «SEARS» accessory shoe
- Came with RIKENON 55mm f/1.4 No.30269
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